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00:00:04 great question is a will enough we get that question all the time and basically it’s important to understand that a will will typically have your family go through a process called probate and probate has its disadvantages there’s four of them one is that it costs a lot of money number two is that it takes a lot of time about a year or a year and a half is very common number three is that it’s public record now people can see what your kids are inheriting and where they live so important information to
00:00:34 keep private and then the fourth one is if you do have real estate outside of the state of Illinois then we have to open multiple probates so that is definitely more costly and more time consuming so is a will enough if you want to avoid all of those things it’s not enough you’re likely to need a living trust so give us a call and we’ll take care of you with that will and Trust [Music]