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00:00:01 [Music] yes that’s a big myth a lot of people assume that if they need to go into a nursing home they’re going to need to just spend it all down which we all know it can be quite expensive in our area the average nursing home for skilled nursing care or Memory Care is going to be about 15,000 up to 20,000 a month so your estate is going to go down really really quickly if your family member needs to go into Nur nursing home really soon I think it’s important to come in and see us so we can take a look at all
00:00:35 of the assets that mom or dad has and see if we can protect some of it we can strategize figure out if she can get on Medicaid perhaps within two years five years whatever it might be but at least we can protect some of the assets and then get her on Medicaid sooner rather than later [Music]