Elder Law Lawyer North Shore, IL

Elder Law Lawyer North Shore, ILWe grow wiser as we grow older – and it’s always a wise decision to contact an Elder law lawyer in North Shore, IL to do some important planning. Read on to learn more about what the professionals at Bott & Associates, Ltd. can do for you, and get in touch with us today to get started with securing your future.

Understanding Durable Power Of Attorney

Some people have a family history of neurodegenerative problems, such as Alzheimer’s or dementia. Others may be concerned about estranged family members exploiting them when they’re at their most vulnerable. Fortunately, establishing a durable power of attorney can keep you protected.

A durable power of attorney is an important document: It gives a trusted person the authority to act on your behalf and make any legal or financial decisions you may not be able to do for yourself. Even if you don’t have a family history of mental illness, it’s a good idea to include a power of attorney in your estate planning in case of emergencies or temporary impairment.

Understanding Guardianship

A power of attorney can keep you protected when you’re no longer able to take care of yourself. However, you may have others who are depending on you for their wellbeing. If you have children, elderly parents, or adult relatives with disability, chances are you’ll want to look into establishing guardianship to keep them safe as well.

When you name someone as a guardian, they’ll assume all the burdens of care when you’re no longer able to do so. This means if you’re suddenly incapacitated or die, the guardian will step in and continue to ensure a safe environment for your dependents. 

It’s important to remember that there are two different types of guardianship. The first is known as guardianship of the person. Someone granted guardianship of the person is in charge of everything we typically associate with care: Shelter, food, clothing, taking your dependents to school, doctor’s appointments – the list goes on. On the other hand, there’s guardianship of the estate. A guardian of the estate is solely responsible for financial decisions.

Understanding Wills And Trusts

A North Shore elder law lawyer can also help you plan out your will or establish a living trust. Aside from taking steps to ensure you and your loved ones are looked after when you’re no longer able to provide the necessary care, the right legal team can help you ensure your belongings are distributed according to your last wishes.

Wills and trusts both fulfill a very similar purpose. They’re lists of assets (everything you own) and beneficiaries (the family and friends you want to give your assets to upon your death). However, there are some key differences between wills and trusts, and depending on your own situation, you may want to choose one over the other. It’s important to contact a lawyer you can trust to learn more about the differences.

Contact Bott & Associates, Ltd. Today

At Bott & Associates, Ltd., we understand that planning your future can be a challenge, but we’re here to make it easy for you. Get in touch with us today, and see how a North Shore elder law lawyer from our office can help you with your next steps.

Other Elder Law Issues to Consider

As a North Shore, IL elder law lawyer can explain, this area of law encompasses a vast and complex array of legal issues that primarily pertain to seniors. As our society continues to age, these issues have gained increasing prominence. In addition to the estate planning issues mentioned above, there are several other issues that seniors should have legal arrangements put in place.

Long-Term Care and Medicaid Planning

As seniors age, the need for long-term care, such as nursing homes or assisted living facilities, may arise. The high cost of long-term care can be financially devastating for many families. Elder law lawyers can assist in Medicaid planning, which involves structuring assets and income to qualify for Medicaid benefits while preserving some assets for the spouse or heirs.

Guardianship and Conservatorship

In cases where an older adult is no longer capable of making decisions for themselves due to mental or physical incapacity, guardianship or conservatorship may be necessary. A Northbrook elder law lawyer can help families navigate the legal process of appointing a guardian or conservator to make decisions on behalf of the incapacitated person.

Elder Abuse and Neglect

Sadly, elder abuse and neglect are prevalent issues that affect many older adults. Elder law lawyers play a crucial role in advocating for the rights of seniors who have suffered physical, emotional, or financial abuse. They can help victims seek legal remedies and protective measures.

Social Security and Retirement Benefits

Understanding Social Security and retirement benefits is essential for seniors. Elder law lawyers can provide guidance on when to claim Social Security benefits and help seniors navigate the complexities of retirement planning to maximize their financial security.

Healthcare Decision-Making

Advance healthcare directives, such as living wills and healthcare proxies, are vital for ensuring that an individual’s medical wishes are respected. Elder law lawyers help seniors create these documents, empowering them to make decisions about their medical care in advance.

Elder Financial Exploitation

Financial exploitation is a significant concern for the elderly. Seniors are often targeted by scammers and unscrupulous individuals. Elder law lawyers can assist in recovering assets and pursuing legal action against those who have exploited older adults financially.

Housing and Long-Term Care Options

Seniors often face housing-related challenges, including finding suitable living arrangements and understanding the different types of long-term care options available to them. Elder law lawyers can provide guidance on these matters, ensuring that seniors receive the care and housing that best suits their needs.

Age Discrimination

Age discrimination in employment and other areas of life can have a detrimental impact on seniors. Elder law lawyers can help older adults combat age discrimination by pursuing legal action and advocating for their rights in various settings.

End-of-Life Planning

Finally, end-of-life planning involves making decisions about issues like hospice care, organ donation, and funeral arrangements. Elder law lawyers assist seniors in creating comprehensive plans that reflect their wishes for their final days.

Contact an Elder Law Lawyer for Legal Assistance

If you have questions about any elder law issue, contact  Bott & Associates, Ltd. to schedule a free consultation with a dedicated Northbrook elder law lawyer. Let us help you have peace of mind about your and your family’s future.