Common Criminal Defense Cases

In criminal law, certain types of cases arise more frequently than others, often requiring immediate legal assistance. Below is a straightforward look at some of the most common criminal defense cases that people face, from DWI to probation violations. If you have been charged with a crime, it is important to stay calm as you begin to prepare your defense. Contact an experienced criminal defense lawyer for assistance and discuss how they can help you with your case.

  • DWI Cases

Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) cases are among the most common criminal charges in the United States. These cases typically involve drivers accused of operating a vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) over the legal limit or while impaired by drugs. Penalties for DWI offenses can vary but often include fines, license suspension, and even jail time, especially for repeat offenders. Attorneys like those at Archambault Criminal Defense can attest that these cases often require a deep understanding of field sobriety tests, breathalyzer results, and other forms of evidence to build a defense.

  • Assault Charges

Assault is a broad category that can range from simple assault, which involves a threat of violence, to aggravated assault, which involves the use of a weapon or results in serious bodily harm. These charges often come down to the details of the incident—whether self-defense was involved or if there was mutual combat, for example. Assault cases can have significant consequences, including jail time and hefty fines, and they are taken seriously by courts. Having a dedicated lawyer on your side can be invaluable when facing assault charges.

  • Theft and Property Crimes

Theft, burglary, and vandalism are types of property crimes that are frequently brought before the court. Theft typically involves taking someone else’s property without permission, while burglary involves entering a property with the intent to commit a crime. Vandalism refers to the destruction or defacement of property. The severity of these charges can depend on the value of the property involved and whether the crime was a misdemeanor or felony.

  • Sex Crimes

Sex crimes, including sexual assault, indecent exposure, and possession of child pornography, carry some of the most serious penalties under the law. Defendants in these cases face not only criminal penalties like prison time but also the social stigma associated with the charges. Because these cases often rely on sensitive testimony and evidence, defense strategies must be carefully crafted to challenge the prosecution’s case.

  • Drug Charges

Drug offenses encompass a wide range of crimes, from simple possession to trafficking large quantities of controlled substances. The severity of the penalties for drug crimes depends on the type and quantity of the drug involved, as well as whether the accused has any prior convictions. An experienced criminal defense attorney can help you understand the severity of the charges you are facing, what potential consequences they may carry, and how best to move forward with your defense.

  • Weapon Offenses

Weapon offenses typically involve the illegal possession, sale, or use of firearms or other weapons. Some cases involve people who possess a weapon without the proper license, while others may involve accusations of using a weapon during the commission of another crime. Penalties for weapon offenses can range from fines to lengthy prison sentences, depending on the circumstances.

  • Harassment Charges

Harassment cases can arise from a wide range of behaviors, including stalking, threats, or unwanted communication. These cases often hinge on the interpretation of the alleged behavior and whether it was intended to threaten or annoy the victim. In some cases, charges may also involve restraining orders or protective orders to prevent further contact between the parties involved.

  • Probation Violations

Probation violations occur when someone who has been sentenced to probation fails to follow the terms set by the court. This can include failing to report to a probation officer, failing drug tests, or committing a new crime while on probation. Consequences for probation violations can be severe, including being sent back to jail to serve out the remainder of the original sentence.

Common Criminal Defense Cases

When facing any of these common charges, having a dedicated and experienced attorney on your side can make a significant difference in the outcome of a case. Whether it’s defending against a DWI or navigating a probation violation, understanding the legal process is essential. If you have been charged with a crime listed above or another crime, contact a lawyer today to receive the representation that you need.

Additionally, if your criminal charges require you to modify your estate plan, our attorneys at Bott & Associates, LTD may be able to help you.