Bott & Associates, Ltd.
Peace of Mind Scholarship
The dedicated team at Bott & Associates, Ltd. works hard to help give individuals, parents, spouses and families, peace of mind about what will happen to an estate when the owner of the estate is no longer with them. We help people in all different phases of life and people with varying amounts of material possessions and wealth, to plan for what will happen to their assets and personal belongings. We help to give people peace of mind by helping them with plans to help the people and organizations they care about, even after they are gone.
We feel good about the work we do to give people peace of mind for when they are no longer here. We also are thankful to people and organizations that help to give others a peace of mind while they are still here. We know that there are many different ways to help people and that what will give one person a peace of mind might not be the same thing as what someone else needs.
To help to promote people to help give people a better peace of mind than if they were to go without this kind of help, we have created the Bott & Associates, Ltd., Peace of Mind Scholarship. We believe that by helping a student who wants to help others in ways similar to what we do or in ways that are meaningful and helpful that are different to ours, we will be helping to create a better world with a more promising future.
Eligibility Criteria
- This scholarship is open to any student who is currently enrolled in an accredited undergraduate, graduate, or professional program in the United States. This includes accredited community college students as well as high school seniors and students who possess a GED who have been accepted to or are enrolled in an accredited program.
- The scholarship applicant must be dedicated to helping to give people peace of mind, and be able to demonstrate this commitment in their essay.
- All eligible candidates must be in good academic standing with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 or above.
Prompt & Questions
Respond to the following questions in a video essay format:
- What inspired you to want to help others and to provide them with a better peace of mind than if they went without your help?
- What have you done thus far to help people and to provide them with this kind of peace of mind?
- In what ways will your education help you to achieve your goals to help you in the work you want to do to try to help people, with the end result being their having a better peace of mind?
Application Materials
- Updated resume
- A video essay addressing the questions posed above
- Current unofficial transcript
Submission Deadline: Sunday, March 31st, 2025
All application materials must be submitted by this date
Award Announcement: May 2025
Scholarship Amount: $1,000
Application Instructions
Scholarship applicants must submit all application materials by email to: [email protected]
Please do not call the office with questions.
2024 Winner: Kaylin Vanhaaften