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00:00:03 people are always worried about what if my kids just take the money and spend it all right I’ve heard a statistic they say that inheritance no matter what size stays in a person’s hands a average amount of time of 18 months so that’s pretty scary like all your hard earned assets and now all of a sudden your child gets it and they blow it within 18 months so how do we prevent that how do we protect from that there’s so many ways there’s a lot of creative ways so certainly you can put some age Ram you
00:00:32 know distribution patterns like a third at 25 a third at 30 the balance at 35 or you could just say well they only get 50 Grand a year and then maybe at 50 they get the whole thing or at 60 they get the whole thing we can be really really creative and I always like it in a sense that you’re giving them forced savings this is not saying I don’t trust you my son or my daughter I’m giving you forced savings so by the time you’re 50 or 60 you’re going to actually thank me that this money is still there
00:01:03 [Music]