Avoid These Will & Testament Pitfalls

Estate Planning Lawyer in Palatine IL It may sound simplistic, but making sure you’ve let your heirs know where your inheritance plans and paperwork — and passwords — are and how to find them is one of the top will…

Do You Need a SLAT Trust?

Estate Planning Lawyer in Palatine IL A spousal lifetime access trust (SLAT) is an irrevocable trust that authorizes the trustee to make distributions to a spouse if a need arises. It can be designed to benefit one’s children, grandchildren or…

How to Achieve Your Financial Goals

Estate Planning Lawyer in Palatine IL The first step in financial planning is determining your short-term (under a year), mid-range- (three to five year) and long-term (over five years) financial goals. The next step is setting a strategy that will…

Advance Directive Living Will

There may come a time in your life when you can’t make your own health care decisions for any number of reasons, including injury or severe illness. However, one thing you can be in control of and that’s being prepared…

Do You Need A Trust, Or Will A Will Suffice?

When it comes to estate planning, there are many decisions to make, and among the most important is whether you should utilize a Living Trust or a simple Last Will & Testament. This may seem like a question with a…

Features of Revocable and Irrevocable Trusts You Should Know

When determining your estate’s future distribution with the protection of assets and minimizing estate taxes as a goal, it’s essential to take time and learn about the features and differences between Revocable and Irrevocable Trusts. Both of these unique estate…

What Does a Power of Attorney Do?

Estate Planning Lawyer A power of attorney is a document you’ll make which outlines an agent who you want to act on your behalf if you are unable to do certain things. This is often when you are incapacitated due…

Planning for Loved Ones with Dementia

Dementia is a sinister ailment that comes with age. It leaves us bereft of our reason and awareness. Unfortunately, we have very little idea of who and when we may fall victim to this condition before it happens. If we…

Is A Beneficiary Designation An Estate Plan?

What is a beneficiary designation? It is a form you fill out that says who will receive some benefit when you die. Even though that should be a serious consideration, most people do not give it any thought when they…